Course Syllabus


¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! My name is Señora Gonzalez, and I am very excited to be your Spanish teacher this school year! This is my eighth year at Mount Tabor, and I am looking forward to another great year at Tabor City!

The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the language in order to begin their journey to proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing. The word "proficiency" is defined as: "the advancement of knowledge or skill." For Spanish 2, students are using basic vocabulary and language structures to gather information and interact with others, as well as learning slightly more complex language structures.

We are starting out the school year very differently than we have normally started. In order to make our remote learning experience as successful as possible, there are certain expectations that have been established by our district that we need to follow:

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

We are scheduled to have synchronous instruction (class all together) in the first 45 minutes of our class period on Zoom. You are expected to sign on to Zoom with cameras on in order for me to mark you “Present” for that class period, which I will mark within the first ten minutes. If you log in to Zoom after the first ten minutes, you will be marked tardy.

Dress Code:

Although we are having school from the comfort of our own homes, it is important that you are still dressed appropriately for class. You can absolutely be comfortable, but just make sure you are fully dressed.

Your Learning Space:

Please make sure that your learning space is not distracting to you, preferably at a table or desk with your camera facing a wall. Also make sure your materials for class are readily available near you.

Synchronous Instruction (Zoom)

During our synchronous instruction time, it is very important that we take advantage of the time that we have together. Make sure that your camera is on and that your microphone is off unless you are called. There are a couple of features that you can use during our time together, which I will show you how to use: Raise Hand feature to ask me a question, and the Chat feature if you would rather not speak out loud if you have a question.

Asynchronous Instruction (Individual Homework Time)

The second 45 minutes of class is for you to work on your own and to turn in assignments. This is where you would follow the Modules on the class page. Each day, you will have an Announcement posted on the class page that explains which activities to complete from the Modules. If there is an assignment to turn in, the Module page will have a blue “Submit Assignment” button on the top of the page. That is how you will know if something needs to be turned in to me that day. If an assignment is not turned in within five days, it becomes a 0 in the grade book.


Any misbehavior during synchronous instruction will result in a warning and contact to your parent/guardian. If, for whatever reason, your behavior is not what it should be during our synchronous instruction time, you will be “kicked out” of the Zoom meeting after two warnings, along with your parent/guardian being contacted again.

Grading Scale:


Weight of Grades


A   90-100

Tests              25%


B   80-89

Projects          25%


C   70-79

Quizzes           20%


D   60-69

Participation    15%

(Synchronous Time [Zoom])

F    0-59

Classwork        15%

(Asynchronous Time)

To Contact Me:

Phone: (336) 703-6700    Email:

Zoom Office Hours: Fridays 1:00-2:00pm (Meeting ID and Passcode are posted in the "Ask A Question" page.)


Spanish 2 1B


Spanish 3 HN 2A


Spanish 3 HN 3A


Spanish 2 3B


Spanish 2 4A


Spanish 2 4B


Course Summary:

Date Details Due