Download the 2019-2020 Digital Yearbook
<<Click Here>> Links to an external site. to Download the Atkins HS 2019-20 Digital Edition Yearbook. It is free to all staff, students, and parents.
Even though we finished the year remotely, our students still managed to create an outstanding yearbook, which includes a 10-page tribute to Joe Childers. This digital book is identical to the printed book available on Lulu.
Important Note: After it downloads, you will want to open it in a PDF reader program like the "Reader" program on Windows 10 Links to an external site., or Adobe Acrobat Reader Links to an external site.. Phones and tablets usually have this software. If the file opens in your internet browser, it will not be in "Spreads" mode which shows pages side by side (like you see below). You will need it to do that because the entire book is designed to be viewed that way. In Chrome, however (as on a Chromebook), you can install the Kami app Links to an external site.and then go to settings to view the book in two-page mode. You will also need to NOT show the cover page (see options below). When you select the options correctly, you will see the two-page Table of Contents correctly (as shown below).
Options in Kami viewer (in a Chrome browser)
Correct Views (with Two Page View, and Show Cover Page):
Information about the Printed Yearbook that can be purchased on Lulu is HERE Links to an external site..