Spanish 3 HN Final Exam

  • Due No due date
  • Points 70
  • Questions 70
  • Time Limit None


Spanish 3 Honors

Final Exam

1-True/False: Look at the questions pictured. For each sentence, choose between True or False.

2-Multiple Choice: For each question numbered, look for that number pictured. Answer either A, B, C, or D.

3-Subjunctive Short Answer: For each verb in parentheses, type the appropriate subjunctive form.

4-Commands: For each blank, fill in the appropriate command form. (Either affirmative/negative & tú/Ud./Uds. and other instructions will be provided--make sure to read carefully.)


**For the fill-in-the-blank  questions, just type in lowercase characters, no punctuation. However, accents count for spelling should you need them. Here they are for you to copy and paste:

¡ ¿ á é í ó ú ñ


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